Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How to Raise A Smart Baby to Become A Successful Student

In general, raising babies to be smart so they can reach their educational potential

entails nurturing their physical needs, addressing their intellectual needs, and constant awareness that despite their small sizes, there's an awful lot of information being deciphered in their infant-sized minds. As parents and educators, our job is to feed information to babies that aids their intellectual growth. Whether or not this task begins while babies are in the womb it should definitely be invoked every day of their lives following birth. My name is R. Renee Bembry. Information I am providing in this zone regarding how to raise smart babies and how to turn babies into successful students has worked for me in satisfying my children's curiosity and feeding their natural quests for intellectual awareness. I have had four children in the gifted and talented education (GATE) program, the eldest of the four is now a veterinarian and another is about begin his journey to become a dentist. I have always enjoyed teaching children. In fact, I became a "child teacher" in fourth grade! . In the mean time, whether you're an experienced parent seeking info to help your child become smarter, you're a new parent seeking info how to raise a smart baby, or even if you're not a parent, but are seeking info re becoming one, you've entered the right raising smart successful babies zone. So follow the steps below and you'll be glad you did!


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