Friday, October 30, 2009

how baby music can make your child smarter

Baby music and intelligence - it's been a source of continued studies for both childcare experts and scientists alike. As parents become more invested in giving their children the tools they need for exceptional social, mental and physical development - even while still in the womb - many psychologists and scientists have become intrigued by the conjecture that listening to the right baby music can not only make your child smarter; it can even help your child become a more socially intelligent adult.
There's no shortage of research out there to support the hypothesis that babies who listen to classical music - even while in the womb - are quicker to learn and get better grades on schoolwork than their peers who didn't listen to classical music as a baby. Manufacturers have certainly picked up on this trend and have developed an entire empire dedicated to using music as a tool for increasing mental and social intelligence. Brands like Baby Beethoven® have become some of the most popular products on the market today, with more parents than ever curious about baby music and how it can positively influence their own infant.
And why shouldn't parents be naturally inquisitive about this research? After all, even if baby music doesn't do anything for your child's cognitive abilities, how can encouraging a taste for classical music be viewed as a "bad" thing?
Even those who argue against the effect of baby music can't disagree with the evidence proposed by scientists on just how powerful a childhood rich in music can be for a person's intelligence. For example, according to a San Diego Tribune article in 2004, researchers were able to determine a causal link between those children who not only listened to classical music but played an instrument as well, and better grades in school subjects like math and science. Many people wouldn't argue with the findings of this research either, as musicians often score higher in math and science subjects than their peers who don't have a musical background.
In short, baby music will make your child smarter - but also playing an instrument can really set your child up for mental and social success as he or she matures into adulthood.
Yet for those who still argue against the concept of babies who are better able to learn because they listened to music while still in the womb, there's still plenty of research to support the theory that classical music can indeed set a child up for academic success. In a 2005 study published by National Geographic, researchers were able to show that babies learn to adapt to their surroundings and their culture by using rhythms. This study went on to show that by watching brain activity, researchers concluded that babies were better able to understand complex rhythms than adults. After all, doesn't life outside of the laboratory support this conjecture as well? Just look at how mothers use repeating patterns in order to help their children learn new words, like "Ma ma" and "Da da". Through firsthand experience, it's plain to see that your baby uses sound rhythms in order to make sense of his or her environment.
Many childcare experts even believe that children as young as 12 months in age - long before they finish developing rudimentary cognitive skills - show signs of tuning into the music of their culture and surrounding environment. This evidence is further supported by a young child's ability to learn the sound patterns and rhythms of foreign languages, because this learning ability is supported by similar neurological pathways in the brain. This is why experts recommend that children learn foreign languages and how to read music as young as possible, before these vital neurological pathways disappear as they grow older.
As if this wasn't enough to convince parents that baby music is a great tool for increasing cognitive intelligence, many researchers have even proven that listening to music can improve memory and recall; best of all, these findings apply to every age range. So if you have a hard time remembering where you put your keys in the morning, try listening to a little Mozart on the drive to work to give your brain a vigorous workout!
However, many scientists firmly believe that baby music doesn't have to be limited to classical compositions. Any kind of music will help your baby to become smarter, since it's more about rhythm and sound patterns rather than classical tastes. Your baby will respond just as enthusiastically to Latin music as he would Beethoven; so if there's a particular musical genre that you prefer, don't be shy about sharing your interests with your baby - the point of baby music is to encourage your child to not only adapt to her surroundings, but to set her up for academic success!
I am a retired grandmother who enjoys babysitting all six of my priceless grandchildren. In my spare time I stay active, travel, and write informative articles about the importance of a safe crib mattress and other topics that matter to me.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Baby Thinking

Radiologists have developed a new device to understand brain activity. It is a collection of fiber optic cables attached to a flexible cap placed atop the head. The cables send near-infrared light through the skull and into the brain, where it is diffused or scattered before it is collected by receiver cables. The device is able to interpret the light to measure blood circulation and the amount of oxygen in that blood, which helps explain brain activity.
When doctors want to find out what's going on inside a baby's brain it usually requires, noisy or dangerous equipment and babies sitting completely still.
But, new technology is now giving researchers a fascinating look inside an infant’s brain in a much easier way.
Radiologists are using a new technique to see what parts of a baby’s brain are working during any given task. Their method is baby-friendly with no exposure to radiation or loud machines.
“It has a more wearable cap so it can be placed in infants heads while they sit in their parents lap,” Joseph Culver, Ph.D., Washington University Medical School said. Culver and his colleagues improved a brain imaging technique called high-density diffuse optical tomography.
It measures how much blood and oxygen are in the brain.
“It’s similar to taking a flashlight and putting it on one side of your hand and looking at the light come through your hand so the light has traveled through your hand and the light that you detect on the other side tells you something about what’s inside your hand,” Dr. Culver said. Fiber optic cables on the cap shine light on the baby’s brain. The light scatters revealing blood flow related to brain activity in a 3D tomographic image. You can see it in action, when a patient watches a flickering light; a similar rotating pattern shows up in the brain’s blood flow.
“There’s an increase in blood flow to that area and that allows us to map that neuron activity,” Dr. Culver said.
Future uses for the cap include researching brain development in the tiniest of babies … or monitoring a baby’s brain during surgery.
BACKGROUND: Researchers have developed a new brain imaging technique for infants called high-density diffuse optical tomography which helps them to study the developing infant brain. This should help treat infant brain injuries by being able to monitor them in their incubators, and help scientists learn important basics about developing brains. The new scanner is quieter, and portable because it is much smaller – about the size of a small refrigerator – than typical MRI or CT scan machines. The developers are working to make the unit even smaller, about the size of a microwave.
THE PROBLEM: Scientists have been able to study brain scans of infants while they are asleep or sedated using functional MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Ideally researchers would like to scan their brains while sitting on a parent’s lap or interacting with their environment. fMRI requires the patient to be inserted into a tightly confined passage through a large, noisy magnet; most infants find it upsetting and difficult to sit still in that environment. In the same way CT scans involve large, loud equipment, and also expose patients to levels of x-rays considered unsafe for infants.
HOW IT WORKS: The high-density diffuse optical tomography (DOT) uses harmless light from the near-infrared light spectrum. Unlike X-rays or ultrasound, near-infrared light passes through bone easily, so scientists can use the diffusing light to determine blood flow and oxygenation in the blood vessels of the brain. When these characteristics increase, it indicates that the area of the brain they are scanning is contributing to a mental task. To scan a patient, scientists attach a flexible cap that covers the exterior of the head above the region of interest. Inside the cap are fiber optic cables. Some of those cables shine light on the head and by determining the way the light is scattered, researchers can learn more about brain activity. Light passes out of one fiber optic cable, goes through the tissue, and is received by another cable. Based on its interpretation of the diffusion data, the machine creates a 3D image based on whether the red blood cells have lots of oxygen or less oxygen to determine brain activity.
WHAT IS fMRI: Magnetic resonance imaging uses radio waves and a strong magnetic field to take clear and detailed pictures of internal organs and tissues. fMRI uses this technology to identify regions of the brain where blood vessels are expanding, chemical changes are taking place, or extra oxygen is being delivered. These are indications that a particular part of the brain is processing information and giving commands to the body. As a patient performs a particular task, the metabolism will increase in the brain area responsible for that task, changing the signal in the MRI image. So by performing specific tasks that correspond to different functions, scientists can locate the part of the brain that governs that function.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stages of development, from an ovum & spermatozoon to a newborn

bulletAbout 1 month before conception: Almost all adult males produce thousands of spermatozoa (male germ cells) each second. It would take about 500 of them lined up in a row to total 1 inch in length. They take a month or so to travel from a testicle, through a long tube called the "vas deferens," to reach a small reservoir inside the man's prostate gland. Here, semen (a mixture of spermatozoa and various fluids) is formed. Each spermatozoon contains human DNA. They certainly appear to be living organisms. As seen in a microscope, they seem to be moving energetically with the sole motivation of fusing with an ovum. Most people consider them to be a form of human life, because they appear alive and contain human DNA. Some scientists define "life" so strictly that spermatozoon are not considered alive. Its movements are due to chemical reactions.
bulletPerhaps one day before conception: The woman ovulates and produces one mature ovum (egg cell). It travels down one of her fallopian tubes towards her uterus. It is about 1/100" in diameter, and is barely visible to the naked eye. It also considered by most of the public to be a form of human life, for the above reasons. But it does not meet some scientists' strict definition of a living organism, because it lacks one factor: the ability by itself to reproduce. It can only reproduce with the assistance of a spermatozoon. Some of these scientists have described an ovum as an "inert globule of organic matter." It does carry a cargo of human DNA.
bulletfovum.gif (6674 bytes) At conception: One very lucky spermatozoon out of hundreds of millions ejaculated by the man will penetrate the outside layer of the ovum and fertilize it. This happens typically in the outer third of one of the woman's Fallopian tubes. The surface of the ovum changes its electrical characteristics and normally prevents additional sperm from entering. A genetically unique entity is formed shortly thereafter, called a zygote. This is commonly referred to as a "fertilized ovum." However that term is not really valid because the ovum ceases to exist after conception. Half of the zygote's 46 chromosomes come from the egg's 23 chromosomes and the other half from the spermatozoon's 23. It has a unique DNA structure, different from that of the ovum and the spermatozoon. The zygote  " biologically alive. It fulfills the four criteria needed to establish biological life:
  1. metabolism,
  2. growth,
  3. reaction to stimuli, and
  4. reproduction." 1
It can reproduce itself through twinning at any time up to about 14 days after conception; this is how identical twins are caused.

Conception is the point that most, or all, pro-life groups and conservative Christians define as the beginning of pregnancy. 8 Most of these groups define the start of a human person as occurring at conception. The medical definition of the start of pregnancy is about 10 days later, at implantation.  The zygote divides into two cells, called blastomeres. They subdivide once every 12 to 20 hours as the zygote slowly passes down the fallopian tubes.

bulletAbout 3 days after conception: The zygote now consists of 16 cells and is called a 16 cell morula (a.k.a. pre-embryo). It has normally reached the junction of the fallopian tube and the uterus.
bullet5 days or so after conception: A cavity appears in the center of the morula. The grouping of cells are now called a blastocyst. It has an inner group of cells which will become the fetus and later the newborn; it has an outer shell of cells which will "become the membranes that nourish and protect the inner group of cells." 3 It has traveled down the fallopian tubes and has started to attach itself to the endometrium, the inside wall of the uterus (a.k.a. womb). The cells in the inside of the blastocyst, called the embryoblast, start forming the embryo. The outer cells, called the trophoblast, start to form the placenta. It continues to be referred to as a pre-embryo. 2
bullet9 or 10 days after conception: The blastocyst has fully attached itself to endometrium. Primitive placental blood circulation has begun. This blastocyst has become one of the lucky ones. Most never make it this far in the process.
bullet12 days or so after conception: The blastocyst has started to produce hormones which can be detected in the woman's urine. This is is the event that all (or almost) all pro-choice groups and almost all physicians (who are not conservative Christians) define to be the start of pregnancy. If instructions are followed exactly, a home-pregnancy test may reliably detect pregnancy at this point, or shortly thereafter.
bullet13 or 14 days after conception: A "primitive streak" appears. It will later develop into the fetus' central nervous system. This is the point at which spontaneous division of the blastocyst -- an event that sometimes generates identical twins -- is not longer possible. The pre-embryo is now referred to as an embryo. It is a very small blob of undifferentiated tissue at this stage of development.
bullet3 weeks: The embryo is now about 1/12" long, the size of a pencil point. It most closely resembles a worm - long and thin and with a segmented end. Its heart begins to beat about 18 to 21 days after conception. Before this time, the woman might have noticed that her menstrual period is late; she might suspect that she is pregnant and conduct a pregnancy test. If it is an unwanted pregnancy, she might have already arranged and carried through with an abortion.
bullet4 weeks: The embryo is now about 1/5" long. It looks something like a tadpole. The structure that will develop into a head is visible, as is a noticeable tail. The embryo has structures like the gills of a fish in the area that will later develop into a throat.
bullet5 weeks: Tiny arm and leg buds have formed. Hands with webs between the fingers have formed at the end of the arm buds. Fingerprints are detectable. The face "has a distinctly reptilian aspect." 1 "...the embryo still has a tail and cannot be distinguished from pig, rabbit, elephant, or chick embryo." 3
bullet6 weeks: The embryo is about 1/2" long. The face has two eyes on each side of its head; the front of the face has "connected slits where the mouth and nose eventually will be." 1
bullet7 weeks: The embryo has almost lost its tail. "The face is mammalian but somewhat pig-like."  1 Pain sensors appear. Many conservative Christians believe that the embryo can feel pain. However, the higher functions of the brain have yet to develop, and the pathways to transfer pain signals from the pain sensors to the brain have not developed at this time.
bullet2 months: The embryo's face resembles that of a primate but is not fully human in appearance. Some of the brain begins to form; this is the primitive "reptilian brain" that will function throughout life. The embryo will respond to prodding, although it has no consciousness at this stage of development. The brain's higher functions do not develop until much later in pregnancy.
bullet10 weeks: The embryo is now called a fetus. Its face looks human; its gender may be detectable via ultrasound.
bullet 13 weeks or 3 months: The fetus is about 3 inches long and weighs about an ounce. Fingernails and bones can be seen. Over 90% of all abortions are performed before this stage. 9
bullet17 weeks or 3.9 months: It is 8" long and weighs about a half pound. The fetus' movements may begin to be felt. Its heartbeat can usually be detected.
bullet22 weeks or 5 months: 12" long and weighing about a pound, the fetus has hair on its head. Its movements can be felt. An abortion is usually unavailable at this gestational age because of state and province medical society regulations, except under very unusual circumstances. Half-way through the 22nd week, the fetus' lungs may be developed to the point where it would have a miniscule chance to live on its own. State laws and medical association regulations generally outlaw almost all abortions beyond 20 or 21 weeks gestation. "A baby born during the 22nd week has a 14.8 percent chance of survival. And about half of these survivors are brain-damaged, either by lack of oxygen (from poor initial respiration) or too much oxygen (from the ventilator). Neonatologists predict that no baby will ever be viable before the 22nd week, because before then the lungs are not fully formed." 4 Of course, if someone develops an artificial womb, then this limit could change suddenly.

Fetal survival rate:
"Most babies at 22 weeks are not resuscitated because survival without major disability is so rare. A baby's chances for survival increases 3-4% per day between 23 and 24 weeks of gestation and about 2-3% per day between 24 and 26 weeks of gestation. After 26 weeks the rate of survival increases at a much slower rate because survival is high already." 5
bullet26 weeks or 6 months: The fetus 14" long and almost two pounds. The lungs' bronchioles develop. Interlinking of the brain's neurons begins. The higher functions of the fetal brain turn on for the first time. Some rudimentary brain waves can be detected. The fetus will be able to feel pain for the first time. It has become conscious of its surroundings. The fetus has become a sentient human life for the first time.
bullet7 months: 16" long and weighing about three pounds. Regular brain waves are detectable which are similar to those in adults.
bullet8 months: 18" long and weighing about 5 pounds.
bullet9 months: 20" long and with an average weight of 7 pounds, a full-term fetus' is typically born about this time.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Common Skin Problem

Diaper_Rash Children have sensitive skin. Thus, mothers must be very careful to hide her children - and also the environment. Clean environment, will contribute a lot in preventing skin problems in children. Nevertheless, mothers have known skin problems most common in May that affect their children are able to identify the early signs and preventive measures:



Diaper Rash

Months-old babies suffer from diaper rash, which is the result of too much wetness and rubbing. Commonly, it is the result of being exposed to urine and stools for a longer period of time. Mothers are, therefore, advised to always check the diaper of their babies to avoid diaper rash. Once a child has diaper rash, apply cream to the part. The diaper rash is gone in two to three days.


Scabies is an infection with animal parasite. They are organisms that cannot be seen by the naked eye. They hide in the topmost layer of the skin; when they start moving, children begin feeling the itch. It commonly appears between fingers and wrists. So, upon careful observation that your children are doing continuous scratching of their skin, seek professional help or look for possible first aid.


If you think acne is only for adults, think again. Even two- to three-week-old babies can have acne. It appears in the cheek, nose, chin, and forehead. Baby boys are commonly afflicted than the girls. The cause may be unknown, but they said it is the "maternal hormone stimulation of the sluggish sweat glands of the baby". There is no need to apply anything on the acne. It will heal on its own. To avoid acne, always ensure that the baby is not wet of anything, such as milk.


Generally, the most common skin problem for children, eczema appears before the child reaches five years old. As days pass, it improves until it disappears upon reaching adulthood. It is the result of skin irritation from something to which the child is allergic to. Eczema, at first, looks like a rash and is sometimes moist. It is seen around the joint areas. When scratched, it may bleed.

Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease

This disease starts with the reddening of the tongue, mouth or gums. These reddening turn into swelling until they form lesions. Lesions at the hand and feet appear at the sides or the backs of toes and fingers. To keep your child from this disorder, wash your hands properly and frequently.

It is not easy for mothers to look for their children who suffer from any pain or disorder. Mommies always want their children to be at his best. Skin diseases are not welcome them. Therefore, as a parent, you should know how to avoid it. The key to prevent children from being affected with skin problems is cleaning. The things they use, the environment where they are, and people who are in contact with should promote proper hygiene.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Smoking is bad for your baby

stop_smoking_pregnant_women Smoking is bad for your health. Why is it bad to smoke? In fact, there are several reasons why smoking is bad for you. Smoking spell doom for your health and your family. Smokers have a premature death and suffer numerous health problems. They perform most of their health problems in old age.
A cigarette contains thousands of chemical compounds and many toxic substances. When you inhale, a cigarette burns at about 60 ° C in the core and 700 ° C at the tip. The harmful substances from smoking include:
This highly addictive and a major cause of increased blood pressure and cholesterol in your body.
This reduces the oxygen levels in the body.
Dust and other particles
They are responsible for pulmonary obstruction.
Smoking is bad for health because it causes cancer and emphysema. Smoking causes more than eleven types of cancers, including cancer of the mouth, bladder, pancreas, kidney, esophagus, stomach and liver. Emphysema is a chronic disease. It destroys the lungs, resulting in progressive asthma, dyspnea, hyperventilation and other breathing disorders.
Smoking is responsible for many cosmetic problems, such as stained teeth, bad breath, and the first wrinkles around the lips, yellowing of the nails, and change color. Smokers are three times more vulnerable to the loss of their teeth than nonsmokers.
Smoking reduces the oxygen supply to the heart. This possibility increases blood clotting, increased blood pressure and cholesterol problems. There are so many reasons why smoking is bad for you.
Then again, why smoking is bad? Smoking also causes the early onset of cataracts, back pain, high risk of stroke, many miscarriages, prolonged labor in pregnant women and premature babies. Babies born to smoking mothers may suffer from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) at birth. Some develop behavioral problems in childhood or adolescence.
Why is it bad to smoke? Well, you can see, there are many reasons why smoking is bad for you.
All results of smoking listed above can be minimized or eliminated by stop smoking.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Your Toddler Bite – Why ?

todbite Almost every child goes through this habit in their early years, but the magnitude varies from child to child. If you have a child who was bitten by one hand, this does not necessarily mean that it should be classified as a crook. " Studies show that about fifty percent of children in care have been bitten about three times a year, indicating that the bite in children is very common.
The first step to bite is when your baby's teeth begin to appear. The child will need to bite to relieve the discomfort they feel pushing the teeth with gums. In most cases the bite is made on a teething ring, but is not available if your baby will find the most appropriate alternatives! If your baby tries to bite when you are breastfeeding him withdraw his son and put them in a safe place. Over time, this condition is that your child understand that biting is equivalent to a negative response from the mother and the baby will learn to stop biting.
When your child is one's time, they begin to feel the sting again. This may be simply to show some emotion, but you must answer each time with a firm response to ensure that the drills trials.
Bites May leaving at the age of two years and now is probably trying to show their independence, but again, you need a firm response and also ensure that the child understands that it's painful for the recipient. Maybe your child needs more education in basic communication skills to try to bring the bite to a halt.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Babies Blankets

babies_blankets The babies are always sweet in nature and will launch a strong appeal to all. When a baby is born, is certainly a very happy moment for parents, but also a happy time for her grandfather and mother and relatives. Thus, it is believed that each make a gift to the newcomer to him around the world. Many gifts are available in the markets of newborns, such as cribs, clothes, toys and more. But the most surprising and appealing for donations for the beginner can be a cover for babies.
How can we define a cover for babies? Well, it's a great piece of soft, silky fabric may have different colors with a variety of projects on it, used to protect and warm the baby is known as a baby blanket. During the ancient times when the world was not so before, mothers used to protect the baby from weather, conveyed by certain sources, such as putting the baby in a corner, which makes the room warm by heaters etc. the modern, technological advances are being adopted. Baby Blanket is one of them. It provides love, support, comfort and warmth for the baby.
Some common types of baby blankets are the following:
- Cotton is the best way for the manufacture of blankets. It is natural raw product and may be transferred in different designs and colors. It helps the airflow and protect the baby.
- Polyester blankets are another choice that can be blended with cotton in the approximate proportion. But it is also an advantage, but is highly preferred to use cotton blankets for babies to prevent allergies.
This piece of cloth called coverage protects the child against the fear and makes the baby feel like a tower. Different models and colors are available, but the fact is how to make the best choice. Some tips are:
- The first thing is that if the baby is a boy or a girl, because the plants are usually a different color for both sexes.
- If a girl, then select a color that best suite in May for her complexion with appropriate design solutions.
- For the boy, solid colors are supposed to be the best with simple designs.
- Some covers are available with the CAP should be preferred to ignore the head at the difference in temperature.
- A baby should feel comfortable in general, it is an extraordinary tool for them and they sleep in peace.
Usually cotton wool for babies is useful to avoid the rash. Manta mesh must be small enough to prevent little feet of tampering. The lids should be easily washable quick drying capacity. While a blanket as a gift for the baby's size and the variety is important to give a high score. Blankets good brand without doubt the comfort of baby and parents. Parents often pay more for other brands that casual brands.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Baby Skin Care

baby_skin_care Pregnancy is a time where you as a woman waiting with impatience and fears of childbirth. All your concern, then, is incredible and the experience to bring your baby in the world will be more if their first baby. Most of the fear and concern is on the job and he will stay.
Giving birth to a child is amazing and strong, but sometimes when the baby in the womb. It's like a father needs to have a single concentration in children and there is plenty of that since the day comes a baby in a house.
All you have to do is what are the needs of the newborn is, except the love that you give him or her. Good knowledge in caring for children with food, sleep and the skin is highly necessary. Sometimes it is unbearable that you can not deal with their desires as the eyes, beneath the skin and other features are very delicate and fragile.
Talking about skin care for the baby, it is the most vital, despite its ability to adapt to the new environment. The baby's skin is reddish irritation and infection offers for each contact or contact. For this reason, it is good to wash the towels with special detergents.
Baby skin loses moisture quickly and it takes time to absorb and retain moisture for your needs. All you have to do is to not only keep your child with the aromas of hot and cold baths every day, but can do it in a day and time measures. To care for a newborn baby just be sweet and has a special treatment for them, therefore, it is preferable to protect the baby against bacterial infections using diapers and wipes and towels while cleaning.
Coming pimples heat and burning are some things that the shaved skin. However, the skin learns to understand and welcome the new environment there is nothing to worry about. However, this does not guarantee that you as a mother to be careless of your baby's skin. Keep the baby from direct sunlight for an extended period should be avoided and should not be used as a measure of child care against heat and its effects on the baby needs sunlight for some vitamins, but if it is perceived by the mother, the attention of a physician is necessary for the right to apply the cream.
When you talk about the care of the head, the head is so delicate with soft hair. To keep it clean use of skin care natural baby shampoo can only be the same product. The scalp Soft is an area protected from handling when filling out something about it. For this reason, we, the mothers should be careful when bathing the baby.
Another most important area is the umbilical cord. The area around the umbilical cord should be kept clean with hygiene wool cotton cloth with alcohol or the use of alcohol and then to fall.
Acne baby may have the effect of two or three months, in this case, the mother should not panic and do not require treatment unless infected. You may wonder why it is that acne is protected with simple baby baths and regular therapy with natural treatments.
Also cot covers must be handled with a soft brush to clean using a moisturizing base of plants. The best way to handle this is to use natural products for the baby to avoid synthetic products, such as talc supplemented with organic skin care to prevent dry skin.
New baby is so delicate that if not handled carefully develop a problem. As I said in the first episode - A baby's skin, your skin is so sensitive it should be handled with care and concern, no matter what it takes. Protect your baby properly, perhaps with the baby clothes at low prices to meet the climate is wise mother.
Taking care of baby is not easy, is a profession, whose parents are taking, especially the mother to care for the newborn baby. The best is suggested to collect more ideas about the care of newborns and care of the baby.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Safe and healthy pregnancy

If you find that you are pregnant, the next thing you do is a date Obstetrics and Gynecology. However, before leaving the clinic or the nearest hospital, there are a few important points. In this article we will give you some tips on how to choose an obstetrics and gynecology, which meets your needs, all the time.
Ask around. - As before the beginning of the selection process, ask around. Ask your friends, colleagues and relatives for recommendations. Have you had a great experience during pregnancy? If so, request a referral. You can also use Web sites online. But instead of going to chat rooms or online journals, on the practice of websites in place and whether the doctor Board Certified.
Make an appointment - after the election OBGYN potential, the next thing you can do to make an appointment. Some doctors do not see that patient until they of the 12th To achieve this week. Take advantage of this is the first sign. Instead of the doctor, looking for another who is willing to see you even when you're alone in your sixth week. Find an OB that is available to you see them as often as you want is a good sign. It can also help to prevent miscarriages.
The choice of epidural anesthesia - Some women will give birth on the PDA. If you're one of them, you have to do a quick search, and whether the decision is right for you. To knowledge and to take the risk of women who have one and a Caesarean PDA is high. Just remember that whatever your prenatal and labor are decisions that you should your partner be well informed and kept pace from everything that happened. You can also go to a midwife for additional help and support if you are to work.
Investigate - Investigation is a very important aspect in choosing your obstetrics and gynecology. Once you've made your choice narrowed to take the time to investigate and research on your own. Is in the examination, use the following steps:
- Ask your family and friends about their doctors. Questions about her experience as a whole. References to other people to help good and reliable manner, you will find a good gynecologist.
- If you have a friend who works in a hospital or clinic, please give them a call. You can also say, a nurse at the WHO office, you may be able to paddle on factors such as the physician in charge, will be how clean the hospital, as nurses are friendly and others. Talk to the head nurse of a hospital will probably be the best decision because it was very likely seen the doctor at his best and worst moments.
- Ask the Medical Association of the State, so that you know the red flags. Use this information either by phone or check online.
- Should be given in addition to more information about your doctor, research on the hospital never be forgotten. Sometimes we are like the doctor, but we hate the hospital where they work.
To choose the best Obstetrics and Gynecology, you need to stay focused. Yes, is pregnant with a wide range of tasks and that you meet all these tasks, the personality focused, disciplined and calm will surely help you go a long way.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Watch out, Candy Can Make Children Rough

children A number of researchers in the UK has involved more than 17 thousand children born in 1970 as an object of research for 40 years. One study was conducted to determine the correlation between a child who likes to eat sweets as a kid with his character as an adult. Of the children who consumed sweets daily or chocolate at the age of 10, as many as 69 percent had been arrested for violence when he was around 34 years. The results of this study published by the British Journal of Psychiatry.

However, when these researchers into account the ability of each parent's child in the educational, and other variables, such as social background and their economic, there are close relationships between the consumption of sweet foods in childhood with a violent attitude in his adult life. Previous studies concerning healthy food to the children of the respondents to produce a character figure calm and polite.

The study, funded by Britain's Economic and Social Research Council suggests that the results of this research is still needed further research. Simon Moore, from the University of Cardiff, an author of a journal that publishes research says, not just sweets or candy are affecting the character of the child, but also how children's decisions.

Parents who consistently "bribing" their children to be good by giving candy or chocolate can be a damaging assessment of children, even to an adult. This habit can make the kids could not learn what it means thank you, so take them to the harsh nature and likes to act arbitrarily.

Moore also said, the results of this study was not enough to make the parents in the world to stop giving sweets and chocolates to the children. They study the target is a very complex area. "It's not fair if someone blamed violent nature in adulthood only in the candy or chocolate that she ate as a child," he said.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sleeping With Baby

baby_sleep It seems the most natural thing in the world that your baby to bed, and them with this little piece of mankind is the closeness, comfort and reassurance they provide. Mothers who do not know that he is a cranky baby and makes quiet without stumbling out of bed in the shocking cold of early morning half-dazed sleep deprived state of silent resentment.
But we need not recount relevant bodies, including the Department of Health and a leading charity. We must go against our instincts, because we risk the lives of our baby. Bed sharing is a risk of sudden death syndrome in infants.
The Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths (fsid) and the Department of categorically state that the safest place for a child in a crib in parent's room. Babies should sleep alone. Nursing mothers should wake up, get up at dawn cold, pick you up, can be seen eating in a comfortable chair, and then back into bed and we hope they will not whine plaintively for long.
This message has been strongly influenced by the Foundation on the publication of a study be repeated in this week's British Medical Journal, which is fsid funds. "The latest findings confirmed by researchers at the University of Bristol ... On that" the safest place for a baby to sleep is in a separate bed. The study of four years ... Noted that there was in half of all unexpected deaths of children in south-west of England, dead babies sleep with a parent or caregiver, "said fsid release.
It is troubling, the release continues, is that 25% of mothers in the survey were not "convinced that bed sharing increases the risk of sudden infant death can.
But who will read the full study, by a very experienced and respected team of Bristol and Warwick universities, he is deeply committed to doing it to believe it either.
Yes - the study found that 54% of sudden death syndrome in infants, while the baby slept all happened with a parent. But although the risk is high when it crashed on the couch, it was only under considerable in a bed, where the parent had drunk more than two units of alcohol or drugs had to be taken.
This is a serious, earnest research by a team with excellent references have worked in this field for 20 years. They are all sudden unexplained death (SIDS - sudden death syndrome in infants often) in the south-west England between early 2003 and late 2006. After setting campaigns in the 90s about the dangers of babies sleeping on their fronts, has reduced the number of SIDS dramatically - by half. But there were many dead (79) in this study and their conclusions are valid.
Peter Fleming, professor of infant health and developmental biology, physiology at Bristol, one of the authors of the study, was dismayed by the misrepresentation, as it appears on paper in the media during the week . "I felt really uncomfortable, it is," he told the Guardian yesterday.
"My opinion is that the positive message of this study is that it is not drink or take drugs and do not smoke, especially for nursing mothers. We have no increased risk of bed sharing. C ' is a very different message from which a media outlet. "
One can say he slept half the deaths among children and their parents. One could also say that half the deaths were infants alone in his crib, he said, but "I do not see anyone say:" Do not put your baby in a cradle. "
Fleming has a particular reason for concern. The study showed that the baby is sleeping on the couch is really a risk. But seven of the dead to tell their parents, their child, they feed on the sofa, consciously went to bed sharing is dangerous, and fell asleep.
"Any board can prevent the sharing of bed bring with it the danger of the tired parents feed their baby on a sofa, which takes a much greater risk than sleeping together in bed with their parents," the paper said. "The rumor Coated two children of AS, was cooperation on a couch telling us that they had previously advised the child to bed, but did not realize the risks of falling asleep on the couch. "
However, despite the concerns of the fsid Fleming had agreed to hold the line with the Ministry of Health yesterday: "The safest place for a baby to sleep in a bed next to the bed with parents." He pointed out that the same sentence in the paper by Fleming appears, but does not mention the following, then: "Based on data from research on Sid, one wonders if the advice is to avoid bed sharing, are generalizable and if such a simplistic approach would not hurt. Parents of infants must be selected during the night, feed them, sometimes several times, and if you can demonize parents bed we in danger of being the couch is. A better approach in May to warn parents of special circumstances that infants at risk. "
Joyce Epstein, director of fsid, said it was too complicated. "If you can, the attention of the population after more than three seconds that you want to get the whole story every time, but how you lose everything?" She says. From their point of view, the simple message and direct - you put your baby to sleep in a bed beside the bed, in bed, is the key.
The new study, she said, only one study (although in a 2006 Lancet paper of the Bristol team also found a link and drinking) drugs. George Haycock, professor emeritus of pediatrics at St. George's Hospital, London, fsid scientific adviser, points to nine previous studies that have looked at co-sleeping and sudden infant death syndrome, and found that it's risky in bed.
"We can not say there is no danger," said Haycock, albeit for non-smokers is low. And there is silence critics of the lobby "silent" bed sharing defense if there is no concrete evidence that it increases the number of women who breastfeed.
But Fleming said, this study opens new perspectives. Nobody has collected in the past, reliable information on the drug. "The advantage of this study is that because we evaluated the scenario of death, three to four hours after the child was dead, we could look for all possible factors in the past, we could not see . When the researchers talked to parents with sympathy, without guilt, and the possibility of explanations on their tragic loss, the parents told them everything, including what they drank and what drugs they have taken the previous evening. "People are very willing to share this information with you at this time," he said. "You see the real picture."
The document adds that the results of some bizarre cultural connections between sleep and co-Sid can explain. Among the black African population in the United States and Maori and Aborigines in which children sleep with their parents, the sudden infant death are high, but the bed sharing in other communities, such as Japan, Hong Kong and Bangladesh and other Asian peoples in the United Kingdom deaths low. The difference lies in their consumption of tobacco, alcohol and drug habits.
Fsid purpose is to eliminate the sudden death of the child and that is what they believe their opinions on the implementation of babies in a cot on his back, feet up "on a firm mattress without a pillow will help. But other organizations also believe that this can be real benefits to your baby to bed. The National Childbirth Trust (NCT), Parenting leading the nation) organization (and champion Breastfeeding has openly advocated sharing the bed.
"The study shows that the risks for children whose parents do not smoke or consume alcohol or drugs, but the stock has a bed with her baby at least for babies in a separate bed," says Chief research Mary Newburn in a statement in response to the publication of the BMJ.
The NCT is the position of a response to the reality of its members. "Many parents share their bed with their baby when they are young and can be done safely," Newburn said. "It is clear from surveys that about half of parents sleep with their babies at some time during the first six months and approximately one quarter is not as regular, then we must help them do so as safe as possible. "
Rosie Dodds, NCT senior officer of public policy, said they understood the fsid's position. "They are really on the number of babies who die uneasy and wants everyone to be as safe as possible," she said. "But there are undoubtedly benefits to babies in bed with parents." While recognizing there is no scientific evidence that bed sharing increases are breastfeeding, a club, and breastfeeding in itself has been shown to reduce the risk of sudden death syndrome in infants.
Deborah Jackson, author of three in a bed, she said, think we're in Britain, "on the bad aspects in bed with the baby, which is fixed is strange, because" the history of shared shared bed or sleep with the baby is as old as humanity itself. "
Their research, their own experiences with sharing the bed with her three children, she is deeply convinced of the benefit for both mother and child. Aware of the mother of their child, when she sleeps and reacts to them. "[If] I was asleep," says Jackson. "[One of my children] to sleep beside me. I got up suddenly in the night and held them on the bed and she was sick," she said. Somehow she knew the baby was on the point of being healthy.
But there are significant risks if the mother has been drinking or drugs. "All things that make it good it can be very dangerous if you are not incredibly useful. All this is true in parenting, "she said.
Sudden infant death is devastating, and they are all on the same page - they want to see less tragic families who lost their children. But this is clearly not a single street, walking all at the same table. In the end, you could post prohibitive for parents and same cons-productive. This may be one case in which the public should be commended for his intelligence and allows him to decide on the basis of something very informative.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The baby's brain

episode 1: The Baby's Brain
Overview Resources

episode features
Wider than the sky A baby's brain is a mystery whose secrets scientists are just beginning to unravel. The mystery begins in the womb -- only four weeks into gestation the first brain cells, the neurons, are already forming at an astonishing rate: 250,000 every minute. Billions of neurons will forge links with billions of other neurons and eventually there will be trillions and trillions of connections between cells. Every cell is precisely in its place, every link between neurons carefully organized. Nothing is random, nothing arbitrary.
Brain scan
One way a newborn is introduced to the world is through vision. The eyes and the visual cortex of an infant continue to develop after birth according to how much stimulation she can handle. What happens to the brain when a baby is born with a visual abnormality? Infant cataracts pose an interesting challenge to scientists: How to remove the visual obstruction without compromising brain development.

Photo of baby In response to the demands of the world, the baby's brain sculpts itself.

When we are babies, our brains are more open to the shaping hand of experience than at any time in our lives. In response to the demands of the world, the baby's brain sculpts itself. Scientists have begun to understand how that happens, but as Neurologist Carla Shatz says, "There's a great mystery left. Our memories and our hopes and our aspirations and who we love all of that is in there encoded in the circuits. But we only have the barest beginnings of an understanding about how the brain really works."

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How babies learn to speak

A high-tech machine that monitors infants' brain cells as they listen to speech reveals a key element in how babies go from hearing sounds to speaking them.
From birth, babies' brains are bathed in the sounds of language. But how do they get from hearing those sounds to speaking them?

That's what University of Washington neuroscientist Patricia Kuhl is studying: What happens in the brain that prepares a baby to move from speech perception to speech production?
"We want to know how it is that we train our muscles, our tongues and lips to do that very precise mother-tongue kind of thing," Kuhl says.
To find this out, Kuhl went right to the source: babies. She used a new technology, called M.E.G., that tracks millisecond by millisecond the activity of brain cells. Researchers placed babies in this device -- which looks like an enormous hair dryer -- and then played different sounds to the babies.

The scientists watched the babies' brain activity while they listened to various sounds. Kuhl's team discovered that by 12 months, millions of nerve cells in the brain's two language centers are successfully connected and communicating: first hearing the sound, then producing it.
"The brain is going into its environment and selectively grabbing out sounds that have to do with speech and processing them in a completely different way from the way that other sounds are being processed," says Bill Greenough, a neuroscientist with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Greenough calls the study, which watches the action inside a baby's brain at the speed of thought, a "technical tour de force."

The Summary

Baby learn to talk by watching adults or kids are talking...they saw and the brain will recieve it and make a new neuron cell in brain...and from time to time..the baby grow and learn how to speak..

Monday, October 12, 2009

How to make you baby a Millionaire

UK parents to their child a millionaire yet, in the late 30s and reduce their own costs inheritance.
Given the public profile of the trust fund babies like Paris Hilton, you may not want, however we define some simple way to prosperity for your child to reach, and with funds locked-in (up to 55 years Avoid screenplay by Paris Hilton!), You can be sure that your child is not the wealth you have worked hard to ensure the waste will be respected.
Three basic steps are here and the action are listed on your site, you need your child to be a millionaire by their 38th Birthday.
Millionaire kids Step 1: Child Trust Fund (CTF)
Your child is eligible for a CTF if he or she is born after 1 September 2002 and is entitled to child benefit. Returns are tax free, and the government gives you a good first value of £ 250 (£ 500 for low-income families), shortly after birth plus another 250 pounds at the age of seven. Die Konservative Partei hat vor kurzem ausgeschlossen, die Zahlung der Regierung außer für die ärmsten Familien, sollten sie an die Macht kommen.
CTF-Konten können eingebracht werden bis zu einem Höchstbetrag von £ 1.200 pro Jahr und Kinder können ihr Konto bis zu ihrem 18. Birthday access. Parents, relatives or friends to find the full financing of a child.
Three types of CTF are available: Shares CTF only money and stakeholder CTF accounts that invest in the stock market, but the costs are limited to 1.5% per year.
To help make your child a millionaire, you have an interest opt (stocks and shares) CTF. By storing the maximum amount of £ 1,200 per year for 18 years, and £ 250 voucher at birth and up until the age of seven years, provided that the net growth of 6% on the average fees for the duration of Fund, which will generate a total of £ 40,025.57 when your child's age of 18. Make your own calculations.
Millionaire kids Step 1: £ 40,025.57

Child Millionaire Step 2: Donate Cash
Another way to boost the prosperity of your children and to reduce your IHT bill is to make monetary donations.
They have to survive for seven years for most donations through the mesh Handelsblatt. Unlimited gifts up to £ 250 per person per year are exempt from tax, and the payment of up to € 5,000 for wedding gifts.
But what's even better that regular gifts of any amount of money, once made regular income can be exempted from IHT. You must specify that you have led, not regularly, and your standard of living deteriorated thereafter.
Keep in mind that HM Revenue & Customs will demand details about these gifts when the donor dies.
The revenue you can also "gift" of £ 3000 each year to a person. So, in the fund millionaire, you need to € 3000 for the birth of your child's donation and to ensure the money raised to invest in a mutual fund shares. For an average growth increased by 6% per year, this should be worth £ 409,267 per year in the time the child reaches the age of 38 years.

Add in the £ 40,025 built in the CTF when your child turns 18 Age would increase silver dish for about £ 537,634 to.
Recommended equity funds include Invesco Perpetual High Income, Gartmore Cautious Managed Balanced and Neptune. The latter two funds invest in a mix of stocks, bonds and cash.
Millionaire Step Child 2 Price: € 537,634
(including re-invested CTF)
Millionaire Kids Step 3: Welfare
The major contribution to the financing of a millionaire has a pension for your child when they are born. Often parents do not know what they can do.
But by instead of a simple stakeholder pension for your heirs, you can begin to rent for your child one day, address, and contributes to reducing your IHT bill, all with the help of the government.
With effect from 6 April, when the fiscal year beginning 2008/2009, the rate of the tax base to fall 20% as compared to 22%. A contribution to the pension of the parents of a child is £ 2880 (attract tax relief of £ 720) to the level of the maximum annual gross investment of £ 3600 to keep.
If the maximum compensation of a stakeholder pension in the year your child is born, again assuming 6% growth set connection, the pot grow to a value of £ 491,120 38. by age
Millionaire Kids Step 3 Value: € 491,120
TOTAL: € 1028754
Between the FCT, made regular donations of money and investing, and the pension pot will provide your children with a combined fortune of more than 1 million pounds, and all before they are 40 years old. They will not of course be able to spend all that money because the pension is suspended until the age of Element 55th

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Help Baby Confidence to Play

If children know how to play, you have time to work and their children greater independence. But if you do not know the heart of the problem of "split" Baby out of the shadow of you.

Psychologist Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, said: "Many parents think they should play with the kids, but not necessarily good for children also have time to relax, have a private room.

For children to play, the child will result in increased creativity, free thinking, how many games, and more confidence in communication. If the free game is that parents have more time to do their work. Therefore, both parties should facilitate the parents try, ways of playing children to follow.

1. Recommendation for baby how to play

The first step is educating children to play games just for kids to feel attracted by this game and play, no less interesting play with adults.

CHandle Cynthia, also a psychologist, how to educate children at Black Hill State University, said that "children learn behavior will play. When you're never too young to play in order, then your child will never know how self-assessments Rig and stability itself. play, especially for children to put toys for children to play, but you still have some precautions in the neighborhood suddenly things. "

Some babies are born to play in the situation, but little more, it must be addressed by adults.

In general, help children to play, you should take the time to guide explains how you play the first child and the toys around them.

2. Create a space for baby

Psychologist Margaret Paul reveals, "The best way to play for children to be independent, to give them a private space, safe and comfortable, making them suitable for the role they like spoiled.

Michelle Workman, age 39, in Los Angeles has dedicated a room for two players on his son. Game room, so they put all their toys in them like animals, plants, toy boxes .... She said: "I'm painting the room dark eyebrows. Floor is the cushion for children without dragging their feet, dive deck, when he unfortunately fell.

Meanwhile, they Evanston 39 years, mother of Liz Hletko child of 4 years. Now, you describe the play area for your child "Each space for a flat, toys, children's books in a corner, so I'm also watching what children play.

3. Create a task for you to play Baby

Young children do not get a place to sit too long, but we will focus on "work" is awarded if the "tasks". For example, between the toy the child to rate how you manage a project to build something, such as docking home to the scene ...

The experience of 42 years old mother, my sister, Suzy Martyn, mother of 4 year old child: "When I cook about 45 minutes after eating, I give my child, crayons, the piece of paper, pulp and protect the lake in the morning a construction worker from what I brought.

Experts said that parents want their children occupied, not to be disturbed is good but does not work for children, watching television or playing on the TV, computer ... As the machinery of exploitation is harmful to children. Adults should guide and encourage your child to play computer games with the movement, creativity, helping children from falling into the passive state, self-depreciation, lack of communication.

4. Working with children

Children enjoy the adults went to the wrong work of others. For children, such as a job useful and interesting. For example, Ms. Bethel, 39 years old, was "In my garden, I give the children a small shovel and" because it does "to form a planting hole. My child, very curious, and I do not be disturbed.

The child is the child more confidence and feel like they are adults and the elderly. You will be surprised when young, hard vegetables, bring to gravity, while you fry, boil, without complaining about something.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Colourfull nusery make baby walk faster

Baby Nursery Bedding can be considered the first step in establishing a beautiful baby nursery for your little room. People often look first to baby furniture and decor for their nursery building itself) is in reality the choice of nursery bedding (bedding for babies, etc., an important priority. 

Why focus on the election of the first baby nursery beds? I can tell you from personal experience that while I was with my first child I decided to buy the furniture first kindergarten (crib, changing table, rocking chair gliding, etc. pregnant.) It was one of the biggest mistakes have I again made: the creation of landscapes, from kindergarten my child! I ended up leaving with the model of the beds, because I really only this model, well-coordinated whimsical bed-and-white or ecru much. Back to the drawing board for me! Luckily I had some time (although I am running out of patience) to dig deeper for an appropriate model to fit my furniture. 

First, think about the functions of the nursery beds. Color and style bedding baby nursery must consider in your decision. The colors are bright and vibrant bedding or they are soft and soothing? The style is whimsical and fun or soft and soothing? I found that brighter, more whimsical baby bedding and towels tend to look better, white with lighter furniture (, natural, light honey, etc..) Weaker richest textures and colors tend to see lots of medium to dark furniture (cherry, cognac, Mahogany, etc..) 

Some other important features are decorated nursery, which could in the background to the success of a general mood or atmosphere. Paint murals, wall art and wall can be a child's room to life with color, pattern and / or scenes of your choice for the visually stimulating and enjoyable for your child.

Oppss .. he he he I'm walking now Maa.

Your baby will probably understand how to work himself lying around the sitting position on his stomach during the month ninth, tenth and eleventh. But even if he did not even there, if you sit down, it should probably be able to maintain a sitting position for some time until the tenth month. 
The key has always been to maintain balance. This year, your child has learned tocoordinate his musclesfrom top to bottom. First, the check was in his neck and head, then her shoulders and torso. Then he began using his arms and hands, with increasing skills. Then, hips, thighs and knees, and suddenly your baby is crawling. Meanwhile, your child has control over almost every muscle in his body. All he has to do is practice, not all synchronized, so that he can maintain his balance. 
You can not sit your 9 - or 10-month old baby problem for quite some time without falling, he can use a hand to save his life, he can use for other toys (or other objects) and play with them. 
Of course, your child is not content to sit nearby and more. Over the next three to six months, your baby will make leaps in development. (Actual erratic come later in the second year.) Your child will probably soon following steps: 
• Give yourself up to standing position (9 to 12 months) 
• Cruise along the edges of furniture (9 to 13 months) 
• Standing on its own without the support (from 9 to 14 months) 
• Walking (10 to 15 months). 
Again, please note that all age groups included here are average ranges. Your baby will progress at their own pace. Its development can fall at the beginning or end of the scale, or even outside the area, without concern for you. Just because he moved in seven months to nine months and that does not mean it does not mean the planet Krypton, and only because he has not done all this with his first anniversary as something is wrong.

Ohhh... I Can Walk..

Is there something you can do to encourage your child to do his first step - or is it all genetically predetermined? 

The first step is a developmental disorder baby milestone that most parents will never forget. But waiting for this moment, a can have very stressful for parents, friends and parents whose children were at an earlier age. When it comes to walking, babies are in their free time table, and if it is their first step, not a reflection of their intelligence, their size or their parenting skills from Mom or Dad. Former director of the Family Clinic at Toronto Hospital for Sick Children, Ruth McCamus, assures us that when it comes to running, that every child is unique. "On average a child will begin the trek at the age of 12 or 14 months, but expect significant differences. Some children even begin to go much earlier and some as late as 21 months." 

While we can not accelerate the first stage of a baby, there are things that can restrain a child McCamus said. "Sometimes when a baby is a very capable robots, or role, it can be happy with this form of mobility for some time." McCamus adds that it can do little about parents to their children at the bus stop exception, "a supportive environment with lots of praise for progress. But the child will be happy in their achievements." 

Ghana Pediatrician Dr. Marvin's true that outside of a little encouragement, there is nothing that can do the parents to schedule running of their child to change. "Children are walking when they are ready. I think it's good that she says take by the hand and walk with them and support them. But they do not really need lessons," Dr. Ghana. He also stresses that hikers may be used. "Hikers have not covered as a cause for many accidents with serious injuries to the head of the children in them." 

Most children go when they reach eighteen months. If your child has not yet reached that stage by then, it is advisable to consult your baby to the doctor.

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