Friday, October 9, 2009

Oppss .. he he he I'm walking now Maa.

Your baby will probably understand how to work himself lying around the sitting position on his stomach during the month ninth, tenth and eleventh. But even if he did not even there, if you sit down, it should probably be able to maintain a sitting position for some time until the tenth month. 
The key has always been to maintain balance. This year, your child has learned tocoordinate his musclesfrom top to bottom. First, the check was in his neck and head, then her shoulders and torso. Then he began using his arms and hands, with increasing skills. Then, hips, thighs and knees, and suddenly your baby is crawling. Meanwhile, your child has control over almost every muscle in his body. All he has to do is practice, not all synchronized, so that he can maintain his balance. 
You can not sit your 9 - or 10-month old baby problem for quite some time without falling, he can use a hand to save his life, he can use for other toys (or other objects) and play with them. 
Of course, your child is not content to sit nearby and more. Over the next three to six months, your baby will make leaps in development. (Actual erratic come later in the second year.) Your child will probably soon following steps: 
• Give yourself up to standing position (9 to 12 months) 
• Cruise along the edges of furniture (9 to 13 months) 
• Standing on its own without the support (from 9 to 14 months) 
• Walking (10 to 15 months). 
Again, please note that all age groups included here are average ranges. Your baby will progress at their own pace. Its development can fall at the beginning or end of the scale, or even outside the area, without concern for you. Just because he moved in seven months to nine months and that does not mean it does not mean the planet Krypton, and only because he has not done all this with his first anniversary as something is wrong.


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