Thursday, October 22, 2009

Your Toddler Bite – Why ?

todbite Almost every child goes through this habit in their early years, but the magnitude varies from child to child. If you have a child who was bitten by one hand, this does not necessarily mean that it should be classified as a crook. " Studies show that about fifty percent of children in care have been bitten about three times a year, indicating that the bite in children is very common.
The first step to bite is when your baby's teeth begin to appear. The child will need to bite to relieve the discomfort they feel pushing the teeth with gums. In most cases the bite is made on a teething ring, but is not available if your baby will find the most appropriate alternatives! If your baby tries to bite when you are breastfeeding him withdraw his son and put them in a safe place. Over time, this condition is that your child understand that biting is equivalent to a negative response from the mother and the baby will learn to stop biting.
When your child is one's time, they begin to feel the sting again. This may be simply to show some emotion, but you must answer each time with a firm response to ensure that the drills trials.
Bites May leaving at the age of two years and now is probably trying to show their independence, but again, you need a firm response and also ensure that the child understands that it's painful for the recipient. Maybe your child needs more education in basic communication skills to try to bring the bite to a halt.


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