Saturday, October 17, 2009

Watch out, Candy Can Make Children Rough

children A number of researchers in the UK has involved more than 17 thousand children born in 1970 as an object of research for 40 years. One study was conducted to determine the correlation between a child who likes to eat sweets as a kid with his character as an adult. Of the children who consumed sweets daily or chocolate at the age of 10, as many as 69 percent had been arrested for violence when he was around 34 years. The results of this study published by the British Journal of Psychiatry.

However, when these researchers into account the ability of each parent's child in the educational, and other variables, such as social background and their economic, there are close relationships between the consumption of sweet foods in childhood with a violent attitude in his adult life. Previous studies concerning healthy food to the children of the respondents to produce a character figure calm and polite.

The study, funded by Britain's Economic and Social Research Council suggests that the results of this research is still needed further research. Simon Moore, from the University of Cardiff, an author of a journal that publishes research says, not just sweets or candy are affecting the character of the child, but also how children's decisions.

Parents who consistently "bribing" their children to be good by giving candy or chocolate can be a damaging assessment of children, even to an adult. This habit can make the kids could not learn what it means thank you, so take them to the harsh nature and likes to act arbitrarily.

Moore also said, the results of this study was not enough to make the parents in the world to stop giving sweets and chocolates to the children. They study the target is a very complex area. "It's not fair if someone blamed violent nature in adulthood only in the candy or chocolate that she ate as a child," he said.


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